Government, through the National Health Insurance Scheme, sets standards and guidelines, while protecting the rights and enforcing the obligations of all stakeholders.
Government, through the National Health Insurance Scheme, sets standards and guidelines, while protecting the rights and enforcing the obligations of all stakeholders.
These are the contributors in the Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme. Their contributions (5% of basic salary) paid regularly in advance, will guarantee them and their dependants good quality healthcare whenever they fall ill.
These are public or private sector organizations employing ten (10) or more persons, for whom they are required to pay contributions (i.e., 10% of an employee’s basic salary). In the Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme, employers are guaranteed good quality health care for their workers at cheaper rates and a resultant increase in productivity. In addition, employers with in-house health facilities will run them cheaper and make them earn income by registering them as Providers under the Scheme.
These are limited liability companies which may be formed by private or public establishments or individuals for the sole purpose of participating in the Scheme. They are registered by the Scheme to facilitate the provision of health care benefits to contributors in the Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme. Their functions include the following:-
Receive/collect contributions from eligible employers and employees
Collection of contributions from voluntary contributors
Payment of Health Care Providers for services rendered
Maintenance of quality assurance in the delivery of healthcare benefits in the Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme.
Participants in the Urban Self-employed and the Rural Community Social Health Insurance Programmes, through their elected Boards of Trustees, plan, run and manage their own health care, thereby engendering a sense of ownership and true community participation.
A Health Care Provider as provided for in the NHIS Act, is a licensed government or private health care practitioner or facility, registered by the Scheme for the provision of prescribed health benefits to contributors and their dependants. Health Care Providers can either be Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary.
Primary Health Care Providers will serve as the first contact within the health care system, and they include:
Private clinics/hospitals; Primary Health Care Centres; Nursing and Maternity homes; and Out-patient departments of General Hospitals, Out-patient departments of the Armed Forces, the Police and other uniformed services, University Medical Centres and Federal Staff Clinics