The benefit package refers to services provided by Healthcare Facilities in the scheme to the enrollees duly registered under them. These services are provided at three (3) levels of care; Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of care through an established referral system.
1. Out-patient care, including necessary consumables.
2. Pharmaceutical care as contained in the BHIS drug list.
3. Diagnostic test as contained in the BHIS diagnostic test list.
4. Consultation with specialists in the various field of medicine.
5. Hospital care in a standard ward for a stay limited to cumunative thirty(30) days per year.
6. Eye examination and care. Provision of low-priced glasses (excluding contact lenses) and at a shared cost in some services.
7. Dental care (excluding those on the exclusion list) and at a shared cost in some cases.
8. A range of prosthesis (limited to prosthesis produced in Nigeria) at a shared cost.
9. Promotive and preventive care (including immunization, health and family planning education).
Outpatient care including neccessary consumables.
Pharmaceutical care as contained in the BHIS Drug List
Diagnostic Tests as contained in the BHIS Diagnostic Tests List
Maternity Tests for Pregnancies ending in live births
All eligible live births will be covered for post-natal period of 12 weeks after delivery
All eligible preterm (premature) babies will be covered for post-natal period of 12 weeks
Consultation with specialists in the various fields of medicine
Hospital care in standard wards for stay limited to cummulative 30 days per year
Eye examination and care and provision of low priced glasses excluding contact lenses.
Dental care (excluding those on the exclusion list)
A range of prostheses limited to those produced in Nigeria
Preventive care including immunization, health and family planning education